
| Programmorientierte Förderung von DESY


Programmorientierte Förderung von DESY


Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg

suna-precision GmbH

The Helmholtz Association is providing support to build up the suna-precision GmbH. suna-precision GmbH is a DESY spin-off of five employees working on the PETRA III beamline P11 and was founded in July 2014 to enter the market with nanopositioning systems for the scientific market and more particularly for synchrotron radiation sources worldwide. The CEOs of the company are Nicolas Stübe and Alke Meents. The products of the suna-precision are various different high-precision technologies to produce innovative measuring devices that allow measurements to be made efficiently and with the precision in the nanometer range. Their technological advantages compared to other on the market available products are the simple control system, using specially developed software, and the use of nanopositioning in a vacuum.
The Helmholtz Enterprise project “Synchrotron-Nanopositionierung” starts in August 2015 and is financed with almost 100.000 EUR by the Helmholtz Association “Helmholtz Enterprise” program over one year. DESY provides the same sum of money for this project. This funding includes staff and material costs as well as management support for consultancy. The Helmholtz Enterprise program combined with the assistance and support of the DESY Start-up Office under the leadership of the DESY Technology Transfer Office offers very good conditions for the incubation of a commercial enterprise during the whole start-up phase. To create room for innovative spin-offs DESY will build an Innovation Centre funded by the City of Hamburg. Together with the University and the City of Hamburg DESY will create this new Innovation Centre to support rising company founders especially in the field of high and innovative technologies related to the research campus Bahrenfeld and to offer office and lab space as well as easy access to the research campus.

Contact persons at the DESY campus as well as managing directors of the suna-precision GmbH:

Dipl. Ing. Nicolas Stübe
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Office: 25 F/352
e-mail: nicolas.stuebe@desy.de
Office: 25 F/352
Phone: +49 40 8998-2071


Dr. Alke Meents
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Office: 25F7354
e-mail: alke.meents@desy.de
Phone: +49 40 8998-5468

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