
| Programmorientierte Förderung von DESY


Programmorientierte Förderung von DESY


One of the largest shares of Big Data in scientific research is coming from imaging modalities. These technologies provide an essential source of information in almost any field of research. Hereby, cutting-edge imaging technologies are constantly pushing existing technologies towards
their limit.

Imaging at the Limit focuses on the software aspects of image reconstruction which turns measurements into an actual image. Exploiting the information content within sets of measurements in a smarter way allows improving reconstruction efficiency, tackling challenges of dealing with huge amounts of measurement data, and gathering enough information to reconstruct images from stacks of measurements containing high levels of noise. The key idea is to better exploit the information being captured within the set of measured data by utilizing tools from information retrieval, compressive sensing, or manifold learning.

Imaging at the Limit hereby builds on existing competence in all research fields of the Helmholtz Association in operating imaging modalities combining it with strong methodological expertise in information science. Joining forces will not only push imaging modalities to the next level, but also improve visibility of the most comprehensive collection of imaging modalities for scientific research in Germany

Partner at DESY
Dr. Christian Schroer
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
Office: 25 F/351
Phone: +49 40 8998-2503
Email: christian.schroer@desy.de

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