International Helmholtz-Weizmann Research School for Multimessenger Astronomy - MM School
Helmholtz-SESAME beamline in the soft X-ray regime (HESEB)
Programmorientierte Förderung von DESY
International Helmholtz-Weizmann Research School for Multimessenger Astronomy - MM School
Helmholtz-SESAME beamline in the soft X-ray regime (HESEB)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HUB)
Universität Potsdam (UP)
Weizmann Insitut (Israel)
Multimessenger astronomy, the exploration of the Universe using information from a multitude of cosmic messengers, has lead to several groundbreaking discoveries during the last few years with significant contributions from DESY and the Weizmann Institute of Science. The Multimessenger school offers the opportunity for a school to PhD students with a strong mix of supervisors/teachers with complementary expertise in theory and experiments related to the various messengers. Collaboration between students and experienced researchers at the partner institutions will be facilitated through a lively exchange program. The professional training of students will include data science as a novel, overreaching, and supporting component of the school. Measures to promote career developments are bundled into packages to match the individual interests of the students, thereby exploiting the complementary opportunities in research and education offered by the partners.
Administrative Coordinator at DESY:
Prof. Dr. Marek Kowalski
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen
Office: 2L21
Tel.: +49-40-8998-7187
Email: marek.kowaski@desy.de